Question about raindrizzle


Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
Is He the illegitimate Son of Hitle I mean Wilheim? ACE ACE never got his own Forum in his Heyday yet Rain drizzle pops out of nowhere :missingte Is his Mum a Sports Forum lurker? :think2: Sooners, Spreadbeater, ACE ACE, Vegas Vic must all be pissed at this. No doubt this will go to the Rubber Room if even posted :103631605 You have to laugh at the desperation of this site to compete with EOG. :drink:

New member
Aug 27, 2007
The guy may post with some shady lines, but he post winners....And more importantly, he brings a lot of pageviews.

Aug 12, 2008
Quote me now......he is going to fuck out the rx like Bookie did. He is going tout despite the fact he is only hitting in college football...I am shocked that wilhelm is doing this since he has even said he is going tout and even has joined a pay for pick website already selling his picks.....(already got banned from c*vers cause they found the website)...

Dizzle seems like a class act but do not ruin the integerity of my forum if you know you are going tout.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

First of all, I don't know anything about this Randizzle being a tout. I do get 2 or 3 newbies a day join up and post that the real Randizzlie is at some other site. His first thread here got 62,000 views and made a diaster out of the college football forum so I gave him an old contest forum that had expired and changed the name so his following could find his plays without creating a mess in the CFB forum. Unless he does NFL he should be done after the bowl season (about six weeks) and I will close the forum.

Apparently he is popular but that will only last until he loses a few games and then that will be that.

I am sorry if you don't approve of the way we run our forum, next time I will be sure to get your permission.

BTW. this Randizzle forum or anything else we do here has absolutely nothing to do with trying to keep up with EOG. I don't care what they do there and neither does our management.

I was warned about you much more than I was about Randizzle (not warned at all) and am sorry I didn't listen.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
One more thing - This is 100% truth.

<TABLE class=tborder id=post5983832 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid">11-07-2008, 05:18 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid" align=right> #5 <INPUT id=plist_5983832 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[5983832] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>homedawg<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_5983832", true); </SCRIPT>

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TheRx simply made a spot for Randizzle and does not compensate him in anyway shape or form.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
As far as Randizzle being a tout goes - his very words posted Nov. 19th.

**Regarding My Future**
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I have recently noticed threads and people questioning and curious about if I will be here long or not.

Fellas, let me break it down for you:

Most Importantly, I believe in honesty, integrity, and Karma. That being said, I have told all of you from the beginning that I am a small player. (Many of you know my current situation) I do not have alot of money, and do not feel that I should risk anymore than I currently am regardless of how well I do. The whole Money Management part of me I suppose. I have confronted this situation a few times this season and my response now will coorelate with my response then.

Yes, at SOME point I would like to make more money doing this than I am currently. I spend ALOT of time researching games and looking for new angles in order to find Winners. I know that I have made MANY people Thousands of dollars this season. I am excited about that. I put forth my effort, my time, and shared information with each of you that proved to be VERY valueable.

As promised earlier in the season, I WILL NOT join or start my own service at all this year. From day 1 I told all of you that before I ever even consider selling information, I want to prove that information is valueable and consistent. Have I done that in College Football? I believe the answer is yes. Will I be leaving anytime soon? The answer is NO.

Do you guys think I have not been offered jobs already?? Have I accepted any of them?? No, I have politely declined to each proposition or opportunity given to me. Why?? Because I made a Promise and like I said. I believe in Karma.

If at some point next season I feel a transition is possible and I can put myself in a situation to better my life, future family, and help pay for my schooling then I would be obligated to take that route.
However, I do not want to be seen as a "Tout". First of all I have rarely said "look at me", "I'm amazing". No, I posted my plays and let them do ALL the talking for me.

Secondly, I believe a "Tout" to be someone who "Guarantees" winners or has a "Lock of the Millenium" in order to attract people to them and rip them off. I understand and know there is NO SUCH THING. Any play can lose no matter how much you like it. That's why Money Management is so important.

Thirdly, I truly want to be someone who actually benefits the "Sports Betting" world. The books have such an advantage on the average player and I have seen them break people time after time after time.(My Family) It disgusts me.

Point is, we are ALL here to make money and better our real life situation. Regardless if that is some extra Christmas money or to help pay the bills, we all want to better ourselves. I'm sure when I make the transition I will have the few envious people who will curse/degrade and attempt to bring me down. I'm okay with that. Not very many honorable people in this type of business.

I wrote this to address all threads created about me "Going Tout". I do not want any question marks as to what I am doing or my character. I have told you all my outlook from here on out. Agree/disagree or disregard.


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New member
Jul 20, 2002
Regarding the private forum

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->OK Guys, it seems we have found a wonderful solution so that all can see my plays and analysis quick and easy without having to sift through page after page.

I will be posting my Plays and analysis in here for each game. Also, any key information I feel is valueable to you all as a "Sports Bettor".

GL, Dizz
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New member
Jul 20, 2002

Things I Deem Important For All "Sports Bettors"
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->This is all opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.

Veteran, Rookie, Novice, or Pro I want to share a few things that I think ALL will agree on and will help us in the future.

1. Do not Overbet or Overvalue ANY particular play. MONEY MANAGEMENT is the Single Most Important aspect of "Sports Betting".

2. Play within your means and you will ENJOY the great game of College Football Win or Lose!! If you don't have the money right now, but "Love Action" just put $100.00 dollars in your account and wager in $5.00 increments.

3. Shop for lines, try to setup atleast 3 or 4 accounts with reputable sportsbooks. Finding the best line can be the difference in 10-15 Units over the course of a season.

4. Limit the amount of plays you have each week. If you cap games personally, after looking at all angles narrow down your top 5-7 plays. If you tail, read their analysis and then decide for yourself if the games make since. Rate them according to your thoughts based upon their analysis. (Still play only 5-7).

5. Understand each wager placed is YOUR money, and YOU wagered that money. If you lose, you have only YOURSELF to blame. (When one can finally realize this, you will become more successful).

6. KEEP RECORDS. Keep track of EVERY wager placed, I use an excel spread sheet, but you can use whatever you want. This keeps you from lying to yourself about how you are doing over the course of a year.

7. NEVER CHASE!!! If you go on a losing streak (which WILL happen), do not overreact and try and win it all back on "Tuesday night San Diego State Game". If you stay the course and stay logical, you will be back even or on top within the next few weeks.

8. Last but not least, if you go on a cold streak, simply take a few days off. Go spend time with the wife/girlfriend or family and enjoy your life a little. We can all get wrapped up in this secondary world we have created and forget about the great things we put aside for it.

GL, Dizz

New member
Sep 20, 2001
wilheim the guy says he wont go tout "this year" this year ends in 38 days....................dudes going tout, not that I care im just saying dudes going tout no doubt about it.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
wilheim the guy says he wont go tout "this year" this year ends in 38 days....................dudes going tout, not that I care im just saying dudes going tout no doubt about it.
tout and doubt rhyme way to go i lost our fourth leg betty against me teddy

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Teddy, I have no problem with that, he goes tout he goes tout, hell you can tout to for all I care. My point is right NOW he is giving his plays to Rxers who want them for free, like Ace Ace and hundreds of other cappers. He just happens to be having an exceptional year which has created some kind of huge following.

I am not going to split hairs and not let him post the New Years day games because it is officially next year but when the 2008 football season is over then the forum is over.

The brainsurgeon who started this thread thinks I opened the Randizzle forum because of EOG.


New member
Sep 20, 2001
wil when he goes tout and you kick him out after the bowls can you turn that space into the TKGB ZONE?

last thing I want to do is piss you off wil so please dont answer if youre in a bad mood.

Aug 12, 2008
First of all, I don't know anything about this Randizzle being a tout. I do get 2 or 3 newbies a day join up and post that the real Randizzlie is at some other site. His first thread here got 62,000 views and made a diaster out of the college football forum so I gave him an old contest forum that had expired and changed the name so his following could find his plays without creating a mess in the CFB forum. Unless he does NFL he should be done after the bowl season (about six weeks) and I will close the forum.

Apparently he is popular but that will only last until he loses a few games and then that will be that.

I am sorry if you don't approve of the way we run our forum, next time I will be sure to get your permission.

BTW. this Randizzle forum or anything else we do here has absolutely nothing to do with trying to keep up with EOG. I don't care what they do there and neither does our management.

I was warned about you much more than I was about Randizzle (not warned at all) and am sorry I didn't listen.


This is your place man.....I just didnt like the taste Bookie left in our mouths after he ditched the Rx. IS got karma back at them:pope:...

The Dudes at C**ers figured stuff out about him that led him to be banned their....legit stuff. I myself saw the website but never said anything about it because I am not snitch. However, you are creating a bankroll for a future business that will only damage the rep of other rx cappers like Ace-Ace thinking ever capper who get hot here is going tout..

I have no idea what you have been warned about me about...I only post Nba here anymore. I have a alas at C**ers which obvious I have made clear. I am no longer a full time poster here to even build a touting business. I post the same plays and same units for nba here and there. I already own 2 restaurants and going toutish would not be worth my time.

Sorry Wilhelm I did not mean to offend you.
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